the great hare Adventures

About the Tribe

General Information

The Lost Tribe has been formed by Vieras from multiple tribes fleeing from a Garlean legion. They are lead by Viola and her Council.The Lost Tribe has been created November 30th 2020 by Viola, Halldora, Zuul, Matcha, and Afridh with the question "We want to play as vieras. What if we played them as they just left their 'home' and discovered the world around them?". After that we research and wrote about the reasons that forced them to leave their Homeland and interact with other races and cultures.RP Themes - Caravan; Hunt; Diplomacy; World Discovery; Tribal Tradition; Elemental Spirits and Green Word.

Events and Roleplay

Most of the Roleplay after the Tribe Origins is planned to take place in the World of Eorzea (Final Fantasy XIV). While the "bigger" events are planned to be about the hunts and the encounters made by the Tribe with other cultures, there will also be moments where the vieras can simply be themselves and discuss at the encampments and play as a day to day life. Creating and crafting armours from the beasts they have slain and the materials gathered along the way. Honing their skills and commercing with the inhabitants of the lands they cross.

The Tribe Origins

The survivors joined under the Matriarch are fleeing the Garlean advance in the Golmore Jungle. Pushing East ahead of the Legion and warning the villages as they come through of the dangers coming their way. While some heed their word, some choose to remain and fight and some choose to join the caravan and protect the younglings.

Current Prompt:Wolt is preparing for the onslaught of the Garlean Legion while the main corp of the Caravan has left the village and has established camp one hour away in the ruins of a Temple.